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Recommendations to Parents

• Parents must take care of their wards , uniform , punctuality, Timetable & cleanliness.

• Students must get signed their textual copies by parents & finish the homework assigned to them on basis of daily record.

• The parents totally committed to inform the school authority regarding any vital information concerning the child’s adverse physical or mental health.

• All parents are requested to impart health education to their children so they may have a positive attitude towards the health consciousness.

• No pupil suffering from any contagious or infectious disease shall be permitted to attend school till he/she brings a Medical Certificate of fitness.


• You are requested to pay special attention to the personal hygiene and cleanliness of your child and wearing of clean and proper uniform to school daily.

• Cultivate healthy eating habits. Too much of junk food, pickles and very oily food in the tiffin of your child must be avoided. Diet plays a major role in the physical well being of a child. Kindly provide a small fork/spoon if needed. The tiffin napkin should be provided daily.

• Ensure healthy sleeping habits. A set time to go to bed and to wake up (ensuring a minimum of 8 hours of sleep) is essential for the healthy growth of a child.

• Spend a few moments everyday to talk to your children. Make an effort to support them in their school and other extracurricular activities.

• Offer praise and encouragement always. Cultivate a warm and supporting atmosphere, so your child will be comforted in times of disappointment and stress.

• Set the standard for academic achievement, encourage hard work and perseverance.

• Communicate living values such as honesty, responsibility for actions and self reliance equipping them with a chance to make good decisions.

• Set aside a specific time for study– a minimum of 2½ hours of daily homework time.

• Use the TV wisely. Choose the programmes suitable for the age group of your child and select programmes you may view together as family entertainment.

• Read with and to your child. Reading expands and opens the child's mind and develops in them a sense of confidence through knowledge which will sustain them for the rest of their lives.

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