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Academic Director's Message

Providing a congenial culture replete with opportunity and facility and a motivational climate conductive to the optimization of intrinsic abilities of the Holy Cross International School students, and instill “I CAN’ spirit and confident in every Holy Cross International Schools students. To buttress innate strength, will power and a strong desire and determination to attain the targets set by Holy Cross International Schools.

To integrate the goals of Holy Cross International Schools and its students through a process of performance evaluation and monitoring .To enhance awareness of role and Goal among teachers, students and concerned parents. To prepare a long and short term performance planning and review on the basis of systematic analysis of students, self appraisals, parents, data feedback and Holy Cross International School classroom test in physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and General ability for IIT-JEE/Medical. Magnifying level of motivation of each student regardless of their profile by making target more pragmatic, objective and attainable . Comprehensive commitment to excellence in professional competence- encouragement of creativity and innovation, initiative and self development but in conformity with the target in Guarding students from the vicious cycle of frustration by scheduling very objective and frequently one-to-one counseling session. To make Holy Cross International School students self assertive through proper introspection, evaluation and monitoring of performance . To constitute homogeneous groups in consonance with the potential by objective monitoring and control of individual and group performances . Following the policy of not placing all the eggs in one basket, every student will be developed prospectively for at least three best institutions as a matter of rule.

- Er. Vishal Paritosh

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